Comprehensive Medicinal Plant Database

NMR data

Crude drug latin nameGARDENIAE FRUCTUS
NMR type1H-NMR
MachineJEOL ECA600
Magnetic field (MHz)600.17 MHz
Mesurement temperature (deg)18.400
Number of excitations (times)16
Sample weight
Jcamp filegeniposidic_acid_PROTON-1.jdx  (viewer *for windows)
FID filegeniposidic_acid_PROTON-1.jdf
Assign Peak(ppm) Integral
6 2.07 1.08
9 2.68 1.08
6 2.80 1.10
5 3.13 1.07
2', 3', 4' ,5' 3.17-3.36
6' 3.60 1.09
6' 3.82 1.06
10 4.15 1.06
10 4.28 1.05
1' 4.68 1.06
1 5.13 1.08
7 5.76 1.06
3 7.48 1.00
Compound name Geniposidic Acid(ゲニポシド酸)
Memoリファレンスは溶媒に合わせて測定 assignment reference: Guvenalp, Zuhal; Turkish Journal of Chemistry 2006, V30(4), P515-523