Comprehensive Medicinal Plant Database

Tissue Culture Literation

Plant latin namePanax ginseng C. A. Mey.
Literature codePanax_ginseng-Ref-1
ReferenceChoi YE et al., Plant Cell Reports 18: 493-499 (1999)
SummaryAbstract Coty1edon exp1ants of immature ginseng zyュ gotic embryos cu1tured on Murashige and Skoog medium lacking growth regu1ators formed somatic embryos di ・ rect1y, most in a mu1tip1e state, fused together and to the parent coty1edon exp1ants. When the coty1edon explants of ginseng were pretreated with 1.0 M sucrose for 24-72 h, al the somatic embryos developed individually from all surfaces of the cotyledons and the number of somatic emュ bryos per explant was enhanced fourfold.Hi sto10gical obュ servation revealed that all the single somatic embryos from preplasmolysed cotyledons originated from epidermal sirト gle cells, whereas all the multip1e embryos from coty1eュ dons without pretreatment originated from epiderma1 and subepidermal cell masses.W hen the somatic embryos ma・ tured to the cotyledonary stage, further growth ceased and they remained white, probab1y indicating dormancy. Gibュ berellic acid (GA3) (over 1.0 mg/1) or chi11ing treatment (-20C for over 8 weeks) were prerequisites for the germiュ nation of somatic embryos.U1 trastructural observation reュ vealed that the cotyledon cells of somatic embryos withュ out chilling or GA3 treatment contained numerous 1ipid reュ serves, dense cytop1asm, proplastids and non-activated miュ tochondria, whereas the cotyledon cells of somatic emュ bryos after chi11ing or GA3 treatment were highly vacuoュ lated and contained well-developed chloroplasts and acュ tive-state mitochondria enc10sing numerous cristae, indiュ cating that in-vitro-deve10ped somatic embryos of n- l 叩a句y be刊 dd… tωo zygo飢ti比c embryos.
Initial culture
Shoot multiplication
Cultivation conditions
Traints of regenerants
Ingredients analyzed
Analitical methods